India joining as Member of Advanced Motor Fuels Technology Collaboration Programme

Prelims level : AMF TCP Mains level : Introduction of Advanced motor fuels & Alternate fuels to bring down emissions.
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Why in News?

  • The Union Cabinet has been apprised of India joining as Member of Advanced Motor Fuels Technology Collaboration Programme (AMF TCP)under International Energy Agency (IEA).

Key Facts:

  • The primary goal of joining AMF TCP by Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas (MoP&NG) is to facilitate the market introduction of Advanced motor fuels/ Alternate fuels with an aim to bring down emissions and achieve higher fuel efficiency in transport sector.
  • Provides an opportunity for fuel analysis, identifying new/ alternate fuels for deployment in transport sector and allied R&D activities for reduction in emissions in fuel intensive sectors.
  • Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, Government of India has joined AMF TCP as its 16th member on 9th May, 2018.
  • The other member Countries of AMF TCP are USA, China, Japan, Canada, Chile, Israel, Germany, Austria, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Spain, Republic of Korea, Switzerland and Thailand.

The benefits:

  • The shared costs and pooled technical resources.
  • The duplication of efforts is avoided
  • National Research and Development capabilities are strengthened
  • The information exchange about best practices, network of researchers and linking research with practical implementation
  • After becoming member, India will initiate R&D in other areas of its interest in advanced biofuels and other motor fuels in view of their crucial role in substituting fossil fuel imports.


  • It an international platform for co-operation among countries to promote cleaner and more energy efficient fuels & vehicle technologies.
  • The activities of AMF TCP relate to R&D, deployment and dissemination of Advanced Motor Fuels and looks upon the transport fuel issues in a systemic way taking into account the production, distribution and end use related aspects.
  • The R&D work in AMF TCP is carried out within individual projects called “Annex”.
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