What are the consequences of spreading of ‘Dead Zones’ on marine ecosystem?

Structure of Answer:

  • Brief introduction on Dead Zone.
  • Consequences of spreading of ‘Dead Zones’ on marine ecosystem.
  • Key points:

    • Dead zones are low-oxygen, or hypoxic, areas in the world’s oceans and lakes.
    • Because most organismsneed oxygen to live, few organisms can survive in hypoxic conditions.
    • That is why these areas are called deadzones.
    • Dead zones in the coastal oceans have spread exponentially since the 1960s and have seriousconsequences for ecosystem functioning.

    Effects of dead zones on marine ecosystem

    • An ocean dead zone is an invisible trap that there is no escaping from for marine life.
    • Fish suffer greatly from dead zones because the extreme changes in the oxygen level changes their entire biology.
    • Elevated nutrient levels and algal blooms can also cause problems in drinking water in communities nearby and upstream from dead zones.
    • Algal blooms can also lead to the death of shore birds that rely on the marine ecosystem for food.
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