Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation 2022

Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation 2022

Why in News?

  • The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation 2022 has recently been announced which included four winners from India


  • Thirteen projects from six countries that have been acknowledged for awards were Afghanistan, China, India, Iran, Nepal and Thailand.
  • There is a nature and culture linkage that heritage sites demonstrate. They can address climate change with net-zero water requirements.
  • The restoration of wells shows how conservation of heritage sites can have multiple objectives.
  • The UNESCO Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation programme has recognised the efforts of private individuals and organisations in restoring, conserving and transforming structures and buildings of heritage value in the region.
  • It encourages other property owners to undertake conservation projects within their communities, either independently or by public-private partnerships.
  • The awards give people a sense of pride and sense of ownership of their own heritage.
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