Corruption In India – Causes, Effects of Corruption in India and Types
- Corruption in India is a consequence of the nexus between Bureaucracy, politics and criminals.
- India is now no longer considered a soft state.
- It has now become a consideration state where everything can be had for a consideration.
- Today, the number of ministers with an honest image can be counted on fingers.
- At one time, bribe was paid for getting wrong things done but now bribe is paid for getting right things done at right time.
What is Corruption?
- Corruption is the misuse of public power (by elected politician or appointed civil servant) for private gain.
- In order to ensure that not only public corruption but also private corruption between individuals and businesses could be covered by multifamily investing basics the same simple definition
- Corruption is the misuse of entrusted power (by heritage, education, marriage, election, appointment or whatever else) for private gain.
Causes of Corruption in India
- Low Pay Scales And Wages
- Lack of Stick And Fast Punishments
- Lack of Unity in Public
- Lack of Fundamental Rights Awareness in People of India
- Lack of Transparency in Deals and Affairs
- Lack of Independent detective agency
- Lack of enough powers to the judicial system in India
- Lack of Accountability
- Unhealthy Competition Encouragement in India
- Lack of Effective Management and Implementation
- Lack of Economic Stability In India
- Lack of Effective Leadership in India
- Lack of Autonomy
- Unemployment
- Poverty And Hunger
- Very Less Educational Institute and Medical Infrastructure .
- Vast Size of Population in India Is Biggest Cause of Corruption In India .
- Another Big Cause of Corruption In India Is nexus between political parties and Industrialist.
- Emergence of political elite who believe in interest-oriented rather than nation-oriented programmes and policies is Another Big reason of Corruption in india .
- Tolerance of People Towards Corruption is a Another big reason for Corruption In India.
Consequences of Corruption
- Rise in Unemployment
- Rise in Hunger and poverty
- Loss of Indian Economy Wealth
- Fall in growth of Indian Economy
- Power and Authority in Wrong hands
- Brain Drain is Biggest Consequence for India
- Psychological And Social Disorder
- Corruption is also the main cause of Poverty as Rich are getting richer & poor are getting poorer. Not all the packages, compensation announced by government reach the minorities and backward communities.
How can We Cure Corruption in India
- Give Good salary to Government Employees
- Bring transparency In Indian Economic System
- Try To make Indian Society Cashless
- More Number of Online transactions and provide bill For Every transactions
- Bring Political parties Under RTI
- Set Eligibility For Indian Politician
- Increase in Digital And E Governance
- Transparent tax structure by clean and clear enforcement
- More Police reforms and Power Full Judiciary
- Blacklist Corrupt Businessmen
- Bring More Transparency In Govt Job Recruitment
- Keep Inflation low
- Speed up the judgement and increase the courts
- Citizenship cancellation could be a highest level of punishment if their crime score reaches a certain extent.
- Disrespecting the dishonest
8 Effects of Corruption
- Lack of quality in services
- Lack of proper justice
- Chances of Unemployment
- Poor Health and hygiene
- Low growth rate of Economy
- Low Foreign Direct Investment
- Low Development Rate
- Low Standard of Living
Steps taken by Indian government
- The biggest step is demonetization i.e. banning 500 and 1000 rs notes which is the route of all evil, be it Corruption, Black Money, Terrorism.
- Under “Right to Information Act (RTI)“, citizens can now ask government about how out ta money is spent.
- With “Jan Dhan yojana” & “Direct Benefit Transfer” schemes, bank accounts of millions of people were opened so that they can get subsidies and benefits directly into their account.
- E-Auctions for spectrums and natural resources is a good step towards a corruption less India.
- Government is focusing more on Digitizing, which will lead to more transparency in functioning of government.
- Government introduced self-attestation of certificates and has removed interviews from lower posts, so no one can bribe their way through interview to jobs.
- Another potent check on corruption is Central Vigilance Commission (CVC). It was setup by the Government to advise and guide Central Government agencies in the areas of vigilance.
Anti-corruption laws in India
- Indian Penal Code, 1860
- Prosecution section of Income Tax Act, 1961
- The Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988
- The Benami Transactions (Prohibition) Act, 1988 to prohibit benami transactions.
- Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002.
Shameful Statistics That Prove How India Is The Most Corrupt Country In Asia
1.38% of land and property deals in India involve bribes
- In India, 38% of land deals involve some form of bribes, mostly because for the buyer, that’s the only option left.
- The entire nexus of government officials, politicians, judicial officers, real estate developers and law enforcement officials control the property trade, wherein they acquire and sell land illegally.
More than 60 Percent Enforcement Officials takes Bribes
- The police actually collect the highest amount of bribes. Passport verification make up 30% of the average bribe paid by a regular Indian in a year, while traffic violations make up 25%.
- The methods are numerous and the amounts far-reaching, ranging from botched breathalyser tests charging Rs. 2500 to Rs. 500 for passport verification.
60% of road stops for truckers are for extorting money
- According to Transparency International, truckers pay ₹222 crore in bribes every year. Authorities such as government regulators, police, forest and sales and excise force stoppages on roads, and 60% of these are for extorting money delays lead to an egregious loss in productivity.
- 60% of people who got their driving license from an agent haven’t taken the driving exam
- 31% of members of parliament have criminal cases against them
- Just about 40% of grain intended for the poor reaches them.