Gig Economy

Why in News?

  • Delhi has emerged as the top destination for migrant workers.


  • An estimated 56% of new employment in India is being generated by the gig economy companies across both the blue-collar and white-collar workforce. The reasons are:
  • In the digital age, the worker need not sit at a fixed location—the job can be done from anywhere, so employers can select the best talent available for a project without being bound by geography.
  • The millennial generation seems to have quite a different attitude to careers. They seek to do work that they want to do rather than have careers that may not satisfy their inner urges.
  • This suits businesses as well. In a gig economy, they save resources in terms of benefits like provident fund, paid leave and office space.
  • Heightened migration and
  • Readily available job training.

Gig Economy:

  • A gig economy is a free market system in which temporary positions are common and organizations contract with independent workers for short-term engagements.
  • A gig economy undermines the traditional economy of full-time workers who rarely change positions and instead focus on a lifetime career.


  • The gig economy thrives largely unregulated, therefore workers have little job security and few benefits.
  • A gig-economy workers will have to upgrade his skills on his own at his own cost. Lack of policies on job structure, tax , privacy
  • Exponential growth
  • The gig economy in India with respect to workers not getting any social security, insurance, etc
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