India Pakistan: Indus Matters
- India and Pakistan are holding crucial talk over various aspects of the Indus water Treaty in Lahore.
- Nine member delegation between the two nation since Pakistan Prime Minister Imran khan took office.
- The last meeting of the Pakistan – India Permanent Indus Commission was held in New Delhi in March During which both the sides has shared the details of the water flow and the quantum of water being used under the 1960 Indus water treaty.
Latest Developments:
- Since the Uri Attack where government took a tough stance saying water and blood cannot flow together’ to ‘ Terror and talks cannot go together’ this talks assumes significance as there is a Newly Elected President in Pakistan.
- Pakistan has been accusing India for Decertifying it and by intentionally flooding it which is childish. In fact, India was the first to recognise the riparian right of Pakistan as a downstream state. If we plan to flood then we have to flood our downstream villages too.
- Pakistan has from time to time abused India in International forum and thwarted some crucial projects like Salal Dam, Bagilhar Dam and Kishanganga Project but we the last 2 dispute in Indus water Commission.
Way Forward:
- From the Left bank Tributaries Jhelum & Chenab we have a share of 20% out of which we use only 5% or less.
- Utilising 20% will put pressure on Pakistan (Water Politics).
- This move will be like playing inside the treaty.