India’s newest pit viper found in Arunachal Pradesh

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  • Team of herpetologists hoping to study its diet, breeding pattern and habitat
  • India now has a fifth brown pit viper but with a reddish tinge.
  • A team of herpetologists led by Ashok Captain have described a new species of reddish-brown pit viper, a venomous snake with a unique heat-sensing system, from a forest in West Kameng district of Arunachal Pradesh.


  • The discovery, published in the March-April volume of the Russian Journal of Herpetology, makes the Arunachal pit viper (Trimeresurus arunachalensis) the second serpent to have been discovered after the non-venomous crying keelback in the State’s Lepa-Rada district in 2018.
  • The new species also makes Arunachal Pradesh the only Indian state to have a pit viper
  • The other four — Malabar, horseshoe, hump-nosed and Himalayan — were discovered 70 years ago.
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