Prelims Practice Questions 29-04-2019 – Test 2

1. The Nagara, the Dravida and the Vesara are:?


2. As per the Ashoka’s inscriptions which among the following place was declared tax free and
proclaimed only 1/8th part as taxable


3. Which among the following is the most unique feature of Dholavira site of the Indus valley


4. Consider the following statements:

1. The roots of ‘Bhakthi’ movement can be found in the Vedas and Upanishads
2. The ‘Bhakthi’ Movement in India stressed mystical union of the individual with god through

Which of these statements is / are correct?


5. Consider the following statements:
1. The cholas followed the policy of settling military colonies in enemy territories to overware the local population
2. The Chola patronage was responsible for invention “Dravid” school of architecture Which of the following statements is / are correct?


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