State the three basic values, universal in nature, in the context of civil services and bring out their importance.

Structure of Answer:

  • Introduction( what is ethics?)
  • Differentiate between the terms ‘impartiality’, ‘non-partisanship’ and ‘objectivity’
  • Why these attributes are necessary for a civil servant.

Key points.


  • The ethics and values for the civil services have to be different and properly structured from those for the citizens or other sectors of the society because civil servants have special obligations to the community.


  • Impartiality ensures equality without any bias and prejudices in the general, non-partisanship ensures a neutral approach in politics and a solid commitment to the government.


  • Non-partisanship is not being specifically owned or affiliated with any group, party or cause. Non-partisanship can be called political neutrality.


  • What objectivity in ethics is depends, in part, on what ethics is. On the narrowest understanding, ethics consists in judgments about moral constraints, which govern a person’s treatment of other people, as such.
  • On the broadest understanding, ethics includes all normative judgments, which say which responses one ought to have, and all evaluative judgments, which assess people and things against standards, as good or bad, beautiful or ugly, and so on.
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