Prelims level : International Organisation – U.N.O. Mains level : GS-II Important International Institutions, Agencies and fora- their Structure, Mandate.
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Why in News?

  • The United Nations General Assembly has recently adopted a resolution, calling for global cooperation to ensure ‘equitable and fair’ access to medicines, vaccines and medical equipment for all nations to battle the Covid-19.
  • The UNGA resolution which was drafted by Mexico was adopted Through Consensus.

Highlights of the Resolution:

  • International Co-operation: Recognised the importance of international cooperation and effective multilateralism to ensure that all States have in place effective national protective measures, access to and flow of vital medical supplies, medicines and vaccines.
  • Prevention of Stockpiling: Prevent any undue stockpiling of essential medical supplies.
  • Increased R&D: Encourages member states to work in partnership with all relevant stakeholders to increase research and development funding for vaccines and medicines.
  • Involve Private Sector: Called to bolster coordination with the private sector towards rapid development, manufacturing and distribution of diagnostics, antiviral medicines, personal protective equipment and vaccines, adhering to the objectives of efficacy, safety, equity, accessibility, and affordability.

United Nations General Assembly:

  • The General Assembly is the main deliberative, policymaking and representative organ of the UN. All 193 Member States of the UN are represented in the General Assembly, making it the only UN body with universal representation.
  • Each year, in September, the full UN membership meets in the General Assembly Hall in New York for the annual General Assembly session, and general debate, which many heads of state attend and address.
  • Decisions on important questions, such as those on peace and security, admission of new members and budgetary matters, require a two-thirds majority of the General Assembly.
  • Decisions on other questions are by Simple Majority.
  • The President of the General Assembly is elected each year by assembly to serve a one-year term of office.
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