Ministry Of Housing And Urban Affairs

Swachh Survekshan – 2018:

  • First Pan-India Survey to measure citizen connect with sanitation in all 4,041 cities and tours of the country.
  • It is third in the series (Previous 2016 & 2017), and measures the outcome of the SBM (U)
  • It works under the aegis of Ministry of Housing and urban affairs

Sanitation Component wise Weightage:

1ODF Progress30%30%
2Collection & Transportation of solid waste40%30%
3Processing and disposal of solid waste20%25%
4Information, Education & Communication5%5%
5Capacity Building5%5%

Significance of the Move

  • By Ranking Different cities and towns the government of India striving to promote Co-operative Federalism by making competitive index.
  • It is an extension of Swatch Bharat Abhiyaan (U) Which ensures cleanliness & Sanitation of not only the urban areas but also to promote behavioural change.
  • This move will ensure Healthy and clean practises of the people which in turn will foster our human capital formation.
  • Diseases like Diarrhoea, Malaria & Other Water brone Diseases which are responsible for child Mortality can be averted.
  • By Making places clean it would  directly promote tourism and makes India a Global hub tourism.
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