- Bureau of Police Research and Development, BPRD will organize the 2nd National Conference of Micro Missions of National Police Mission in New Delhi.
- The two-day Conference will discuss the issues of Skills and Competence at the grass-root level, Attitudinal Changes in Police, Gender Sensitization, harnessing technology and Community Policing.
- The National Police Mission (NPM) has so far developed 35 projects; some important among them are Transparent Recruitment Process, Police- Community Policing, Student Police Cadet Programme, B-Trac (Technology-driven Traffic Management System), Dial 100 – Integrated Emergency Response System, Cyberdome, Pre-litigation Counseling Forum and Review and Implementation of Rules and Processes for the Internal Management of Prisons and Prisoners.
- Conference shall witness releasing of mega-updated version of NPM Compendium on these projects.
- The NPM is having knowledge-based strength of 140 police officers from across the country from State/UTs/CAPFs/CPOs.
- The BPR&D will be giving NPM Awards to 09 officers for their contribution in Micro Missions and successful preparation of the implementable projects.
- The National Police Mission Division of BPR&D strives in the direction of transforming the Police Forces of the country into effective instrument for maintenance of Internal Security and meeting challenges of the next century, by equipping them with the necessary material, intellectual and organizational resources and to create a “New Vision” for the police in a collaborative and inclusive manner using the collective wisdom and knowledge of various stakeholders.
- Since its inception, NPM has been working for empowering the Police Forces by enhancing the skills and competence at grass root level, promoting a culture of excellence and accountability of police, meeting challenges such as asymmetric warfare, new trends in urban and social unrest, bring out specialisation in areas like counter-terrorism and insurgency, focusing on the strengthening of metropolitan and rural policing, bring in attitudinal changes in police, gender sensitisation and harnessing technology in aid of policing and adopting community policing etc.
- To achieve the mandate of NPM, eight micro missions are working under BPR&D. BPR&D organizes Conference on National Police Mission annually.