Digital Health Summit 2023

Why in News?

  • Digital Health Summit 2023 was recently organized by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) in Goa.


  • It highlighted the importance of digital health innovations and how they can empower exponential medicine, including 3D printing, point-of-care diagnostics, robots, bioinformatics, and genomics.
  • It aims to create a digital public goods framework to promote standards for interoperability, data privacy, and data security.
  • It emphasised the need for ”citizen-centric” digital health systems with equitable access to high-quality treatments.
  • It also highlighted that health-tech is the most significant aspect of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and taking pre-emptive steps remains the key.
  • Driven by the Covid-19 pandemic, India has adopted digital health at a breathtaking pace. The unprecedented health crisis paved the way for the adoption of telemedicine and thus proved to be a dawn of remote and patient-centric care in India.
  • The absence of clear regulations and guidelines may lead to fraudulent practices, misuse of digital prescriptions, data theft, and misuse of electronic health records.
  • Also, the lack of digital infrastructure and skilled professionals is another roadblock to the digitalization of the healthcare system in India.
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) is being increasingly used in healthcare to analyze large amounts of data, make diagnoses, and predict health outcomes.
  • This technology has the potential to improve the accuracy and speed of healthcare delivery, while also reducing costs.
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