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- Physicists at the University of L’Aquila in Italy have recently made a breakthrough by achieving a full microscopic understanding of the superconductivity of Mercury for the first time.
- Superconductivity was first discovered in mercury, yet scientists required 111 years to explain how it becomes superconducting.
- Superconductivity refers to a state when a material can conduct electricity without any resistance. It is observed in many materials when they are cooled below a critical temperature.
- In BCS (Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer) superconductors, vibrational energy released by the grid of atoms encourages electrons to pair up, forming so-called Cooper pairs.
- These Copper pairs can move like water in a stream, facing no resistance to their flow, below a threshold temperature.
- These could explain why mercury has such a low threshold temperature (around –270°C).
- Spin-orbit coupling (SOC) is the way an electron’s energy is affected by the relationship between its spin and its momentum.
- SOC gave a better view of the phonons’ energies and explain why mercury has such a low threshold temperature (approx. –270º C).
- Another factor was the Coulomb repulsion (a.k.a. ‘like charges repel’) between two electrons in each pair.
- The superconducting state is determined by a balance between an attractive interaction between electrons, mediated by phonons, and the repulsive Coulomb interaction (electrostatic repulsion between negative charges).