Prelims Practice Questions 29-04-2019

1. Which of the following statements is / are not correct?
(1). The distance from the equator to either of the poles is ½ of a circle round the earth.
(2). Earth’s equator is about 40,000 kilometres long and half of it is passing over the land.
(3). The Artic Circle lies at a distance of 661/2 0 N of the equator.


2. Which of the following statements is / are correct?
(1). The Midday sun is exactly overhead twice a year on all latitudes in between Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn
(2). The Midday sun never shines over head on any latitude beyond the Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn
(3). Sun’s rays are always very slanting in the Torrid zones


3. Which of the following statements is / are correct?
(1). Africa occupies 40% of land area of the earth next only to Asia
(2). Africa lies in the tropical and warm temperate zones and is most tropical of all continents
(3). South Africa lies in the cool temperate region but enjoys a moderate climate.


4. Which of the following statements is / are correct?
(1). Mount Kilimanjaro remains snow covered throughout the year
(2). A rift valley is bounded by wall like steep slopes on both sides.
(3). Nile rises in equatorial region and flows northward through the rainy regions and reaches the Mediterranean Sea


5. Which of the following statements is / are correct?
(1). The Angel falls is the second highest waterfall in the world.
(2). Amazon basin has an equatorial type of climate covered with rainforests known as selvas.
(3). The Grasslands found in Orinoco basin are locally known as Campos and in Central Brazil they are called Lianos.


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